FUTRTech Magazine

Prynt: Turn Your SmartPhone Into an Instant Photo Booth!

Prynt is a portable instant camera case for Smartphones that you simply plug into your iPhone or Android device, and it prints out your pictures within 30 seconds!

What happened to all of those pictures that you took a year ago with your smartphone? You deleted some of them to free up some space and perhaps you have forgotten that the rest even exist.

Your life is more than the pictures you share on your facebook profile and there may be moments that you don’t want to share with the general public, but are still dear to you and your close friends.

That’s where Prynt comes in. This is the first SmartPhone case that allows you to instantly print pictures. No more lost pictures in your archive, or trips to the local photo printing shop. You can print anything you want; from a picture you have just taken, one selected from your camera roll, or anything from the web thanks to this simple and innovative gadget.

The development team behind Prynt has created more than 15 prototypes in the past year in their quest to perfect the case. The startup, going by the same name has gathered more than $1.5 million as a result of their fully funded Kickstarter campaign. The million dollar mark will also activate a pre-promised bonus design to the line of Prynt cases.

One of the innovative things about this interesting mobile case/mini photo booth is that it doesn’t use its own ink. Instead it is equipped with ink filled paper, which allows for the photographs to develop in no time.


And that’s not all, If you were not sold by the idea so far, you will be pleased to know that Prynt  memorizes the 6 seconds of time before you took any photograph that you print . There is a code in each photograph that memorizes a certain period before you took the picture and when you scan the picture with your phone it will play a video on your screen. Crazy, right?

At first the case will be only available for the latest iPhone and Samsung Galaxy models, but the company is planning to broaden their product line to cover all types of smartphones.

picture credit: Prynt

Judging from Prynt’s Kickstarter campaign this will be one of the most popular new products of the year in the SmartPhone  accessories market.

The company has targeted an October 2015 release of the Prynt case, alongside the device’s accompanying app.

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