FUTRTech Magazine

Google Sets its Sights on Disrupting the Healthcare Industry


Google is currently amongst a host of high profile-tech companies which are beginning to enter the healthcare sector. Companies which usually define themselves by coming up with the latest cutting edge gadgets are attempting to put their knowledge in helping cure some of the world’s biggest problems. As per usual, it is Google who are the furthest ahead.

The Search engine giant have been involved within the medical sector for some time now. Originally they got involved with ‘Calico,’ a research centre which focuses on the causes of cellular aging. The aim being to ambitiously push the boundaries of longevity.

Google has been focusing on various projects, however, working on medical equipment which is designed to detect diseases and their earliest stages is their priority. A wristband which is designed to detect cancer cells is one, along with contact lenses which measure glucose levels, the cause of diabetes.

The company also recently announced the creation of a joint venture with French pharmaceutical company Sanofi, with the direction of pushing these designs forward.

Google Attempts to Solve Death?

Google undoubtedly deserve huge admiration for what they are doing, as they attempt to solve some of the world’s leading health issues. However, it’s also one of the most lucrative sectors. 387 million people are diagnosed with diabetes worldwide, and given the fast-food culture of the modern world, that figure could get even higher by 2035 reaching 600 million, according to the International Diabetes Federation.

With such an enormous amount of people seeking medical care, consulting firm, Evaluate Pharma have estimated treatment for the disease could be costing in excess of $60 billion in 2020.

Diabetes is responsible for a massive 10% of all medical expenditure in the United States. Any company which can target such a massive market, will see an extremely profitable return on investment.

Any company which can combat the disease would have a huge competitive edge within the market. “Google is not going to develop new drugs” explains Pascale Witz who runs the ‘diabetes and cardiovascular’ division at Sanofi, “Google can help us improve the patient experience, outcomes and manage healthcare costs more effectively”.

Big Data Disrupts Healthcare

It is not medical equipment in which Google want to primarily push forward with, however. They are focusing massively on what they do best, gathering data. They want to design formidable algorithms to assist health professionals and make diagnostics easier.

Google have been working on this project from 2014. They created a study called Baseline, with the objective to compile molecular and genetic information from thousands of people, to help determine exactly what characteristics make people healthy. By identifying genetic biomarkers, they can make diagnostics for serious diseases much quicker. Their goal is to push towards detection and prevention, rather than post treatment.

The tech company have already begun to prove their worth within the sector. A team of engineers and scientists from Google teamed up with UNICEF to collect data on the Zika virus, during the recent pandemic. They then launched a platform which would help identify the risk of Zika transmissions from different regions, helping governments decide the best place to focus their efforts.

With the financial rewards so massive, it is no wonder companies like Google are venturing into this market. But not only are the rewards financial, the technical advancements in health care could be huge.

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